Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Philly CIO: Public Wi-Fi Needed To Close Digital Divide

Dianah Neff, Philadelphia's chief information officer (CIO) stated in a interveiw with David Haskin "I'm not at liberty to divulge the final business model, but it is something that hasn't been done in other places," Neff said. "And we're doing what the voters elected the city (officials) to do: We're investing in the future. To be a twenty-first century city competing in a knowledge economy, you have to invest in technology."

Wi-Fi, With A Dash Of WiMAX
While some cities have left the door open to 3G for their municipal networks, Neff said that Philadelphia's network initially will be based on 802.11b, with WiMAX being used for backhaul from access points to an Internet backbone. She estimated that WiMAX will handle about 60 percent of the backhaul, with fiber and T1 handling most of the rest.

Full Story

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